Monday, October 6, 2008

Web Page Maker

Web Page Maker is an easy-to-use web page design tool that allows you to create and upload a professional web page in minutes without having to know HTML. Simply add text, images, photos, animation, navigation bar, flash, buttons, logos, and more onto web page and move them freely. It offers several pre-designed templates, so you can create a new web page from them.

I don't have a screen shots here but i can assure you that This is the FASTEST and EASIEST way to build multiple web sites there is. Plug in even the most difficult javascripts easily - insert menus, flash movies, videos of all types, create and insert custom headers fast - and it's all WYSIWYG and you can plug in any HTML you want to anywhere you want to too. So - if you can't build a web site and don't know any HTML at all, get this and learn HTML as you go - but get your site up today! I love it. This one is well worth paying for. All programs should be this well designed.