Thursday, June 5, 2008

VideoLan Project

The VideoLAN Project

The Project

VideoLAN produces free software for video, released under the GNU General Public License.

It started as a student project at the French École Centrale Paris but is now a worldwide project with developers from 20 countries.

Hosted projects

Although VLC media player is the most well-known VideoLAN project, we do host several other video-related projects, mostly aimed at developers:

  • libdvdcss, a C library to access DVDs without having to bother about the decryption.
  • libdvbpsi, a C library to decode and generate MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables.
  • x264, a H264 / AVC encoder.
  • libdca, a DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder.
  • libdvdplay, a DVD navigation library.
  • VLS (VideoLAN Server), our legacy streaming server, which is now mostly replaced by VLC.
  • VLMa (VideoLAN Manager), a Java application to manage multiple VLC instances through their telnet interface.